Thursday, March 22, 2012

What's in the pipe?

If the Irish are known for anything, aside from the "Kiss me, I'm Irish" slogan, its their alcoholic beverages. I originally wanted a big beer mug next to his face (maybe I'll add that in the future), but my sources told me that's not what you see when you're drunk. You just pass out. So, I went with the safe bet and gave him something else old Irish folk are known for, their pipes! And what glorious pipe it be! The Scottish love their pipes so much, they have a whole bag devoted to them.

My inspiration this time was The Simpsons, not because it's the greatest show ever, but because no one does nonsensical, or at least dazed expressions like they do.


Tessica said...

nice one. hahah

L. D. Torres said...

Where's the 4-leaf clover?

Lisa Wright said...

Looks like he's been smokin' something in that pipe!

Ben said...


My Joey ate it.

A.G.T said...

I thought I saw some in the pipe. Really good dazed expression! Whenever I draw a face, I find myself mimicking the expression. I wonder what your face looked like =)