Sunday, March 11, 2012

First Again? Yeahaaah!

Alright, so here is my superhero. His name is...........drum roll please........................................................................................Door Man! Back-story time! Alright so when I was just a young lad, I loved coming up with superheros, but so did Ben and Matt. They made lots and lots of superheros, and all of their names were "copyrighted." So they had taken up all the good names, so I had to come up with my own original superheros. The best one, and this was actually the best one I could make without having copyright issues with my brothers, was Door Man, and he uses different door to smack villeins into jail. Back to present day, so now you know my pain. I just made up the villein and damsel in distress this very week. The villein is Evil Dr. Bleah and the girl is Jessica. So there you go, my superhero drawing is awesome. Bye!


Tessica said...

nice one joey! :)

L. D. Torres said...

DoorMan must have an interesting alter-ego... shoeshiner perhaps?
anyway, i love that its name is jessica.

Ben said...

Hahaha. sorry about all those years Joey. But there was just no way I was going to let you create a GOOD super hero name. :P
Amazing scene, btw. Perhaps all those years of suppression made you a better artist! Hey now I DON'T feel bad about the name-thing! I'm the reason behind this greatness! I really am awesome.

Annamei~ said...

Bahaha nice!! :D i like the names!