Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Many Happy Returns, or, Hyperlink Flies Again!

The aethernaut returns! ^^ No mashups from me yet, sorry... but I do have a contribution for this week's topic:

This is Hyperlink, a superhero I invented in middle school. After dusting her off, and noticing she's grown up a bit, I don't think she looks half bad. ^^
After accidentally flying into a neon sign, she was crippled by a debilitating fear of heights. But then, her arch-nemesis, Rebound, forced her to relive this horrible memory over and over... until Hyperlink succeeded in "changing her fate" and rejecting the fear associated with the memory.
So, now, as you can see, Hyperlink flies again! :D


Tessica said...

right on! :) looks awesome :)

Ben said...

Love the concept and colors!