Saturday, March 24, 2012

Does this count?

Of all the internet memes I have seen, I just can't seem to understand the "me gusta". I look at it and see some guy derping, but others see a creepy guy enjoying something in a sketchy manner. So this meme just makes no sense. Here's to this guy being sketchy while enjoying a pipe.

Also, I gots some catchin' up to do. So here's a couple pics for the last topic.
I was asked two questions: "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?" and "What would your weakness be?" I would definitely be able to teleport! Imagine how much you can save on gas and how not late you can be to everywhere! The only problem is, I have a terrible sense of direction.


L. D. Torres said...

hahaha! ayayayyy, hey bozo ur better than I thought! btw, u know the copier in ur room can b used as a scanner right?

Ben said...

Dude! These are AWESOME!!! I love your style bro, especially the expressions in the last pic!

A.G.T said...

Haha, thanks guys!

Really??? That big 'ol canon? Never woulda thought.