Thursday, October 18, 2012

Disney Doctor

In the Disney version of Doctor who, he has two kids with him, taking them to fairy land (I believe he alluded  it existed in the episode "The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe")

The Doctor: I tried a few different designs for him... I wasn't sure which Doctor I wanted to base him off of. I decided finally to accentuate his height, skinniness and clumsiness by making him have a scarecrow (or even slender man) type body. The hairstyle  and outfit are like 11#, and the large ears and nose I have him like 9#. Oh. And I gave him a cat. Because he needs a cat.

The box: American's don't have police boxes. I decided to just make it a really small door, with a light bulb instead of the lantern type thing on top which is more connected in my head to a time machine anyways.


Ben said...

YEAH! Seriously, when Joey started watching the show I was like, "What the heck is he flying around in?"

Ben said...

Great stuff, btw!

Matt Davis said...

I could totally see this being a disney thing! :D

Zachary said...

It looks like splendor man in the back of your second drawing.