Thursday, September 27, 2012

School buses

Its an odd sensation. Waking up when it is still dark and standing out in the cold. Sometimes there is snow or light rain left on the asphalt. Strangers crowd around in a quiet sleepiness, waiting for the bus. It pulls up with bright lights and loud music. Country music. Having a strange affect on my lingering dreams. No one particularly in a hurry, we file into a line as well as high school students are able. Inside are a variety of characters, some friendly greeting each other with curses, some quite well asleep, some are distinctly dressed more like they should be at a formal dance instead of school, some flirting with whoever will listen. It makes for a very amusing morning when I am very much not awake yet.


Ben said...

Ahh, the bus... good choice...

Ben said...

...and waking up early :P

Matt Davis said...

The people in the back XD they get younger every generation :P

Keiren said...
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Keiren said...

As my brother, Jaden says, "Children must always wear a seat belt except when there are 50 of them in one vehicle. :D

Zachary said...

Pretty wide bus