Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Part All of Them!

This is my Mash-up post. This is the Do All the Things guy. If you can't see it, he is saying "Part all the (red) seas! So, this biblical event is Moses parting the (it IS singular) Red Sea. Look at his awesome Moses-staff and his awesome Moses-beard. They are awesome. Also, look at the left side of the drawing, you can see a fish eating, or about to eat, another fish. Amazing isn't it? Yes, yes it is.

Alright, you've been a wonderful audience, have a great weekend, and remember to give me your money! Goodnight, and good luck...with something...


Ben said...

Yes. This indeed is quite awesome. But did Moses part the red sea, or did God part it? :P

L. D. Torres said...

hahaha! It's waaaay too late for me to laugh as loud as I am! Great job as usual, Joey!

CarrieCakes said...

Joey, you make me laugh every time. Great work. I love your literary exposition below the drawing.

Unknown said...

this is great :)
just a side-note, the "do all the things" person is ACTUALLY a girl originally ;) it was drawn by the author of the blog hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com, which is absolutely hilarious but not always entirely clean.