Monday, June 25, 2012

Sorry for being late! I didn't realize it was my turn to pick a topic until today, and now that it's summer I no longer have an excuse for not posting stuff! So, this week's topic is... *drumroll*... Pictionary! Here are the rules:
1) Generate two random words from the website by clicking on the box with a 2 on it.
2) Draw whatever it is (for example if you get Lobster and Judge, you can draw a lobster being a judge. You may need a dictionary for some words or you can skip things that can't be drawn ;)
3) No alphanumeric characters allowed! (Symbols allowed)
4) You have exactly 3 minutes to draw it. God Speed.
5) Here's the fun part. You cannot tell anyone what it is! We all have to guess each others', but we can say if someone got any of the words right =) (after 10 posts you can say what it is).
Happy Drawing!

For those of you that have played before, you can also pick a favorite drawing from a past game (like Elephant Shakespeare or Ouch! I'm not a Cow!) and make it beautiful, or just redraw your current mess and post both the original and the revision.


Ben said...

YES! I love this topic! Thanks Alex

L. D. Torres said...

Omg, yes! I am definitely comin back for this!

Zachary said...

This is good.